SUNTECH, Elevator Package Export

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The world’s first elevator

If you consider the elevator as a platform that can move up and down and allow people or goods to move, it is the first known elevator in ancient Rome that dates back to 336 BC, often by Hands and assistance were provided by animals or individuals.
But the first elevator was used as a passenger vehicle for the first time in the 18th century and by Louis XVI in 1743, which was called the flight seat.
But in 1800, elevator technology began to advance, until in 1823, two English architects built a room that could be moved with the help of steam power, but was not very reliable. Until a man named Elisha Otis, the founder of the first elevator company with a safe design, which is the same cable and traction elevators, and entered the field by designing brakes for the safety of these elevators.
He first demonstrated the system at the New York World’s Fair in 1854. The world’s first elevator was built and installed by Otis in 1874 in a building in New York.
An electronic elevator was later invented by Alexander Miles in 1887, although many years ago a German inventor named Fouman Siemens was built in 1880.
After all these years, elevators still work with the same technology of Otis, that is, with tow wire, with significant advances in this industry.