SUNTECH, Elevator Package Export

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Attitude towards the safety of Tehran metropolis with the priority of software engineering approach over hardware
Cost factors, time, ‌ education and specialization, culture building, مردم public participation and… in the software approach
Relationship between man-made accident management and crisis management (in Iran and the world)
The important role of fire departments and safety services in the safety of cities with regard to: Continuous daily presence in fires and accidents – Bases, although insufficient – Experienced and experienced human benefits – Relief tools and equipment

The relationship between Tehran Fire Department and the elevator industry

1- Continuous presence to secure and save people in elevator accidents
Included :
– Being imprisoned
– Stuck limbs or body in the upper part of the elevator car
– People fall inside the well or on the elevator car
2- Participating in the development of building codes and regulations
3- Dynamic presence in standards development meetings
4- Supervising the safety of elevators in tall buildings (issuing permits and finishing the building)

Introduction of Tehran Fire and Safety Services

Operations Department (providing relief and fire services in accidents and fires)
Education section (providing free general education to citizens, specialized and vocational education)
Protection and Prevention Department
1- Monitoring the safety of high-rise buildings and high-risk and important short buildings
2- Monitoring the safety of different places
3- Investigating the causes of fires and accidents
4- Participating in various commissions for compiling safety regulations

Causes of accidents

– Incarceration incident
– City power outage and lack of black out system and generator in the building
– Overloading the capacity and parachuting the elevator
– Lack of service and maintenance by owners
– Purchased cheap and substandard elevators by the owners
– Replacement of elevator parts with non-standard parts, after failure
Insufficient skills of the repair technician
– Stuck elevator (impossibility of manual movement of the cabin):
– The room gets out of the guide rail
– Gear the engine gearbox
– Steel wire collapses on the elevator car
– Parachuting
– Burnout, corrosion and…
– Hand or foot stuck in the upper part of the elevator car
– Elevators that do not have eyes
– Single door and mechanical elevators (old)
– Elevator repairman error during repairs
– People fall inside the well or on the elevator car
– Do not lock the front door when the elevator has not stopped on the floor
– Elevator repairman error during repairs
– Cable rupture for various reasons
– Fire and electric shock
According to the chart above, the number of accidents in July and March of 1988 is at the highest rate of that year. Lack of emergency power supply is the most important reason for such accidents. It should be noted that this compulsion has been applied only to flat elevators.
July and August of 1988 are in the highest suffering of that year. The summer season, the school holiday season, and the constant presence of families and the increased use of elevators increase the risk of accidents.

Safety goals in the elevator industry

1- Saving the lives of people
1-1- Users
1-2- Maintenance staff and inspectors
2- Protecting the lives of officers and aid workers
3- Preservation of property
2-1- Installation site building
2-2- Loads inside the elevator
2-3- Elevator components and parts
4- Accelerating and facilitating rescue operations


1- Preventing the recurrence of accidents and people panicking from the elevator
2- Preventing the imprisonment of people with heart and respiratory diseases and people who have mental fears.